Results for 'Roberta Q. Herzberg'

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  1.  15
    Progress and regress: Understanding complex social measures and their trade-offs.Daniel Austin Green & Roberta Q. Herzberg - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (2):164-189.
    Abstract:What is progress and what is not progress? We can talk about progress in lots of different arenas; we will focus primarily on economic and scientific progress, but also make brief reference to cultural and moral progress. In our discussion, we want to distinguish, especially, between overall, long-term progress and narrower, shorter-term progress or regress. We will refer to these as “global” and “local” progress, respectively. Of course, one can also regress; therefore, we will also look at instances where progress, (...)
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  2. The reasons of the unreasonable: Is political liberalism still an option?Benedetta Giovanola & Roberta Sala - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (9):1226-1246.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 9, Page 1226-1246, November 2022. In this study, we claim that political liberalism, despite harsh criticism, is still the best option available for providing a just and stable society. However, we maintain that political liberalism needs to be revised so as to be justifiable from the perspective of not only the “reasonable” in a Rawlsian sense but also the ones whom Rawls labels as “unreasonable.” To support our claim, going beyond Rawls’s original account, (...)
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  3. No Failure.Kim Q. Hall - 2014 - Radical Philosophy Review 17 (1):203-225.
    This paper offers a critique of the emphasis on anti-futurity and failure prevalent in contemporary queer theory. I argue that responsibility for climate change requires commitments to futures that are queer, crip, and feminist. A queer crip feminist commitment to the future is, I contend, informed by radical hope.
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    A Teleological Approach to Information Systems Design.Mattia Fumagalli, Roberta Ferrario & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (3):1-35.
    In recent years, the design and production of information systems have seen significant growth. However, these information artefacts often exhibit characteristics that compromise their reliability. This issue appears to stem from the neglect or underestimation of certain crucial aspects in the application of Information Systems Design (ISD). For example, it is frequently difficult to prove when one of these products does not work properly or works incorrectly (falsifiability), their usage is often left to subjective experience and somewhat arbitrary choices (anecdotes), (...)
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    Introduction to Pragmatism and Psychologism.Rosa M. Calcaterra & Roberta Dreon - 2017 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 9 (1).
    §1 According to the paradigmatic formula offered by Kant, the philosopher’s task consists of demonstrating “how we ought to think” as opposed to “how we do think” – that is, logical rules or norms must be separated from the functioning principles of the human mind or from psychological laws. As it is well-known, in the “Preface” to the second edition of the Critique of Pure Reason, the German philosopher stands against “some moderns” who “have thought to enlarge” logic “interpolating psycholo...
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    Edge misfit dislocation formation at the interface of a nanopore and infinite substrate with surface/interface effects.Y. X. Zhao, Q. H. Fang & Y. W. Liu - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (34):4230-4249.
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    The Emergence of Spiritual Leader and Leadership in Religion-Based Organizations.James J. Q. Low & Oluremi B. Ayoko - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):513-530.
    In the present research, we qualitatively document the process by which spiritual leader and leadership emerge in religion-based organizations. Data from 26 participants in three religion-based organizations revealed three cardinal themes that depict the development of spiritual leader and spiritual leadership, the process of developing a spiritual leader and spiritual leadership, and outcomes of spiritual leader and leadership development. Based on the results, we propose a model that depicts the phases involved in the development of spiritual leader/leadership in the religion-based (...)
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  8. An Analysis of the Notion of Need for the Representation of Public Services.Luca Biccheri & Roberta Ferrario - 2019 - JOWO 2019 - The Joint Ontology Workshops, Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2019, Episode 5: The Styrian Autumn of Ontology, Graz, Austria, September 23-25, 2019.
    Many Public Administrations structure their services around the notion of users’ need. However, there is a gap between private, subjectively perceived needs (self-attributed) and needs that are attributed by PA to citizens (heteroattributed). Because of the gap, citizens’ needs are often only partially satisfied by PAs services. This gap is in part due to the fact that the meaning of the word “need” is ambiguous and full of antinomic nuances. The purpose of this paper is to formulate a definition of (...)
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    Positive feelings on the border between phenomenology, psychology, and virtue ethics.Guccinelli Roberta Iocco Gemmo - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (2):7-28.
    The papers collected in this issue address different topics at play in the contemporary debate on positive feeling and emotion by virtue of both their primary function in everyday life and their embedded structure. Within this issue, specific attention has been given to the intertwining of positive feeling and ethical issues according to different approaches whose goals consist in providing a description and clarification of the phenomena in question. The contributions gathered here give us a clear idea of the variety (...)
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    The reasons of the unreasonable: Is political liberalism still an option?Benedetta Giovanola & Roberta Sala - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (9):1226-1246.
    In this study, we claim that political liberalism, despite harsh criticism, is still the best option available for providing a just and stable society. However, we maintain that political liberalism needs to be revised so as to be justifiable from the perspective of not only the “reasonable” in a Rawlsian sense (that we define as “fully” reasonable) but also the ones whom Rawls labels as “unreasonable.” To support our claim, going beyond Rawls’s original account, we unpack the concept of unreasonableness (...)
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    Premotor systems, language-related neurodynamics, and cetacean communication.Gary Goldberg & Roberta Brooks - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):517-518.
    The frame/content theory of speech production is restricted to output mechanisms in the target article; we suggest that these ideas might best be viewed in the context of language production proceeding as a coordinated dynamical whole. The role of the medial premotor system in generating frames matches the important role it may play in the internally dependent timing of motor acts. The proposed coevolution of cortical architectonics and language production mechanisms suggests a significant divergence between primate and cetacean species corresponding (...)
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    Conflict adaptation is predicted by the cognitive, but not the affective alexithymia dimension.Michiel de Galan, Roberta Sellaro, Lorenza S. Colzato & Bernhard Hommel - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Amyloid fibrils act as a reservoir of soluble oligomers, the main culprits in protein deposition diseases.Alessandra Bigi, Roberta Cascella, Fabrizio Chiti & Cristina Cecchi - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (11):2200086.
    Amyloid fibril formation plays a central role in the pathogenesis of a number of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. Transient prefibrillar oligomers forming during the aggregation process, exhibiting a small size and a large hydrophobic surface, can aberrantly interact with a number of molecular targets on neurons, including the lipid bilayer of plasma membranes, resulting in a fatal outcome for the cells. By contrast, the mature fibrils, despite presenting generally a high hydrophobic surface, are endowed with a low (...)
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  14. The Emergence of Persons: Nature and Society.Roberta De Monticelli - 2008 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 23.
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    Room of her own: Remaking empty nest and creating herspaces in practices of Polish mothers whose children left home.Bogna Dowgiałło, Marianna Kostecka, Magdalena Żadkowska, Magdalena Herzberg-Kurasz & Magdalena Gajewska - 2023 - European Journal of Women's Studies 30 (1):7-21.
    The tension between the traditional scenario, in which women fulfil themselves mainly as mothers, as well as the emancipatory approach to women’s roles reverberates more and more in Polish society. This conflict between various social expectations has a significant impact on women’s experience of picking up the role of a mother, as well as the intensification of identity ambivalence accompanying their departure from said role. This paper describes the stage in mothers’ lives when adult children move out of their family (...)
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    Reviews of books.Olaf Helmer, M. Strauss & Alexander Herzberg - 1939 - Erkenntnis 8 (1):372-383.
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    Recipes, Beyond Computational Procedures.Gianmarco Tuccini, Laura Corti, Luca Baronti & Roberta Lanfredini - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (38).
    The automation of many repetitive or dangerous human activities yields numerous advantages. In order to automate a physical task that requires a finite series of sequential steps, the translation of those steps in terms of a computational procedure is often required. Even apparently menial tasks like following a cooking recipe may involve complex operations that can’t be perfectly described in formal terms. Recently, several studies have explored the possibility to model cooking recipes as a computational procedure based on a set (...)
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    An Empirical Investigation of the Scope of a Firm's Enterprise Strategy.William Q. Judge & Hema Krishnan - 1994 - Business and Society 33 (2):167-190.
    This article investigates the scope of a firm's enterprise strategy which is defined as the range of stakeholder satisfaction realized by a firm at a particular point in time. We found that prior profitability and several of the firm's grand strategies were correlated with enterprise strategy scope. Furthermore, environmental munificence was found to have a curvilinear relationship with enterprise strategy. Overall, this study refined and extended our understanding of enterprise strategy and stakeholder management.
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    Comments on “Secondary Associations and Democratic Governance”.Paul Q. Hirst - 1992 - Politics and Society 20 (4):473-480.
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    On Pluralism, Value Disagreement and Conflict: A Phenomenological Argument for Axiological Universalism.Roberta De Monticelli - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (4):342-355.
    ABSTRACTThe main question addressed in this paper is whether conflict is constitutive of the nature of value commitment, and hence necessarily implied by value pluralism. If this is the case, no resolution of value disagreements, whether on the global level or within modern multicultural societies, is possible via practical reasons, and the only solutions to inner or outer conflicts will be “political”, in the sense of a Realpolitik. Positive and negative answers to the main question are shown to express two (...)
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  21. The call “back to the things themselves” and the notion of phenomenology.Ziri on Q. Antonio - 2006 - Husserl Studies 22:29-51.
  22.  28
    "Dear Heart": Homage to Henry Rosemont, Jr., 1934–2017.Roberta E. Adams - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (1):1-7.
    What can be said about me is simply that I continue my studies without respite and instruct others without growing weary.We can read the list of Henry Rosemont's accomplishments—the books and papers he wrote, edited, and translated, and his classes and workshops, conference papers, and seminars. The 2008 collection of essays in his honor, Polishing the Chinese Mirror, edited by Marthe Chandler and Ronnie Littlejohn,1 provides almost two dozen testimonies to the influence and reach of his work. In her introduction, (...)
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  23.  16
    Relationship between voluntary control of alpha activity level through auditory feedback and degree of eye convergence.Robert G. Eason & Roberta Sadler - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (1):21-24.
  24.  13
    Pedagogy of Work in Postmodern Society: Between Job Insecurity and Digital Revolution.Mario De Martino, Де Мартино Марио, Roberta Alonzi, Алонци Роберта, Emanuele Isidori & Изидори Эмануэле - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):94-107.
    This article aims to analyze how the so-called ‘pedagogy of work’ attempts to answer the challenges of unemployment and job insecurity characterizing the labor market in contemporary society. The authors reflect on the concepts of nihilist pedagogies and the ‘end of work’ by distinguishing two approaches: an active and a passive nihilist pedagogy. The passive approach, based on resignation, is opposed to an active attitude in which labor pedagogy offers tools to address current challenges. The authors support the idea that (...)
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    Hope and therapeutic privilege: time for shared prognosis communication.Nicola Grignoli, Roberta Wullschleger, Valentina Di Bernardo, Mirjam Amati, Claudia Zanini, Roberto Malacrida & Sara Rubinelli - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e47-e47.
    Communicating an unfavourable prognosis while maintaining patient hope represents a critical challenge for healthcare professionals. Duty requires respect for the right to patient autonomy while at the same time not doing harm by causing hopelessness and demoralisation. In some cases, the need for therapeutic privilege is discussed. The primary objectives of this study were to explore HPs’ perceptions of hope in the prognosis communication and investigate how they interpret and operationalise key ethical principles. Sixteen qualitative semistructured interviews with HPs from (...)
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    De l'artification: enquêtes sur le passage à l'art.Nathalie Heinich, Roberta Shapiro & François Brunet (eds.) - 2012 - [Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
    Comment l’art vient-il aux personnes, aux objets, aux activités? Comment passe-t-on d’une activité quelconque à un art, d’un simple artefact à une oœuvre et d’un praticien à un artiste? C’est cette opération qu’explore ce livre, sous le nom d’« artification » : un déplacement durable et collectivement assumé de la frontière entre art et non-art. Conditions pratiques, techniques, sémantiques, juridiques, institutionnelles, organisationnelles... Les enquêtes réunies ici explorent ces différentes dimensions avec les outils de la sociologie pragmatique, attentive à la matérialité (...)
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    What does evolutionary theory add to stereotype theory in the explanation of attractiveness bias?Kirby Q. Maguire & Timothy P. Racine - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  28. Postface. Quand y a-t-il artification?Nathalie Heinich et Roberta Shapiro - 2012 - In Nathalie Heinich, Roberta Shapiro & François Brunet (eds.), De l'artification: enquêtes sur le passage à l'art. [Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
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    Outline of a Theory of Embodied Rationality.Roberta De Monticelli - 2015 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 38:175-193.
    Avec sa participation à l’approche incarnée-enactive de la conscience, la phénoménologie connaît actuellement un regain d’activité. Toutefois, la dimension normative de la conscience tend encore à être négligée dans cette approche, une lacune d’avance dénoncée par Husserl, qui fondait sur l’incapacité du naturalisme d’y remédier sa critique classique de la psychologie scientifique. C’est précisément à l’exigence d’une théorie phénoménologique de la normativité qui soit compatible avec l’approche incarnée-enactive que l’auteure tente d’apporter une réponse satisfaisante.
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  30. Constitution and Unity.Roberta De Monticelli - 2013 - The Monist 96 (1):3-36.
    Lynne Baker’s Constitution Theory seems to be the farthest-reaching and yet the most subtly elaborated antireductive metaphysics available today. Its original theoretical contribution is a nonmereological theory of material constitution, which yet has a place for classical and Lewisian mereology (this formalized version of Materialism). Constitution Theory hence apparently (i) complies with modern natural science, and yet (ii) rescues the concrete everyday world, and ourselvesin it, from ontological vanity or nothingness, and (iii) does it by avoiding dualism. Why, then, does (...)
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    Discussione su "L'esistenza ferita" di Sergio Moravia.Roberta de Monticelli, Fausto Petrella & Carlo Sini - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (1):193-204.
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    Maquiavel: do cosmos medieval ao renascentista, a fortuna e as circunst'ncias da liberdade.Flávia Roberta Benevenuto de Souza - 2014 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 59 (1):59-85.
    The circumstances present themselves as definitive when trying to run any human action, especially those that relate to the achievement and maintenance of power. Assuming that the higher the power of fortune less freedom to commit actions that can lead to successful political actor in the world of contingency, it becomes essential to know how it exercises power over the actions of men. But is it possible to do it precisely? We start from the historical context in which the works (...)
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    Parenting Capacity Assessment for the Court in a Multifamily Group Setting.Roberta Di Pasquale & Andrea Rivolta - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  34. La modernidad en sombras.Rodolfo Méndez Q. (ed.) - 2002 - Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Tercer Planeta.
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  35. Quantum State Engineering in.Pump-Coupled High-Q. Micromasersa - 1995 - In John Archibald Wheeler, Daniel M. Greenberger & Anton Zeilinger (eds.), Fundamental problems in quantum theory: a conference held in honor of Professor John A. Wheeler. New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
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    The New Stylometry: A One-Word Test of Authorship for Greek Writers.S. Michaelson & A. Q. Morton - 1972 - Classical Quarterly 22 (01):89-.
    Stylometry can be defined as the use of numerical methods for the solution of literary problems, most often problems of authorship, integrity, and chronology. As stylometry has been described it seems hardly more than the application of common sense to a literary situation. For example: It consists in collecting as many peculiarities of style and grammar as possible from these works [the dialogues of Plato], particularly the Laws, which are known, or for good reasons supposed to belong to the author's (...)
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  37. The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy.Ásta . & Kim Q. Hall (eds.) - 2021
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    Imperial China in transition: Politics and society in the 10th–13th centuries—Editors’ introduction.Deng Xiaonan & Q. Edward Wang - 2022 - Chinese Studies in History 55 (1-2):1-5.
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  39. Notes on naive semantics.Hans Herzberger - 1982 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 11 (1):61 - 102.
  40. To Blend or to Compose: a Debate about Emotion Structure.Larry A. Herzberg - 2012 - In Paul A. Wilson (ed.), Dynamicity in Emotion Concepts. Peter Lang.
    An ongoing debate in the philosophy of emotion concerns the relationship between two prima facie aspects of emotional states. The first is affective: felt and/or motivational. The second, which I call object-identifying, represents whatever the emotion is about or directed towards. “Componentialists” – such as R. S. Lazarus, Jesse Prinz, and Antonio Damasio – assume that an emotion’s object-identifying aspect can have the same representational content as a non-emotional state’s, and that it is psychologically separable or dissociable from the emotion’s (...)
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  41. Lynn Hershman and the creation of multiple Robertas.Roberta Mock - 2012 - In Susan Broadhurst & Josephine Machon (eds.), Identity, Performance and Technology: Practices of Empowerment, Embodiment and Technicity. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  42. On Sexual Lust as an Emotion.Larry A. Herzberg - 2019 - Humana Mente 35 (12):271-302.
    Sexual lust – understood as a feeling of sexual attraction towards another – has traditionally been viewed as a sort of desire or at least as an appetite akin to hunger. I argue here that this view is, at best, significantly incomplete. Further insights can be gained into certain occurrences of lust by noticing how strongly they resemble occurrences of “attitudinal” (“object-directed”) emotion. At least in humans, the analogy between the object-directed appetites and attitudinal emotions goes well beyond their psychological (...)
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  43. Doubting Love.Larry A. Herzberg - 2021 - In Simon Cushing (ed.), New Philosophical Essays on Love and Loving. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 125-149.
    Can one’s belief that one romantically loves another be false? If so, under what conditions may one come to reasonably doubt, or at least suspend belief, that one does so? To begin to answer these questions, I first outline an affective/volitional view of love similar to psychologist R. J. Sternberg’s “triangular theory”, which analyzes types of love in terms of the degrees to which they include states of passion, emotion, and commitment. I then outline two sources of potential bias that (...)
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  44. Akhlāq-i Islāmī va ādāb-i ijtimāʻī.Niʻmat Allāh Vas̲īq - 2008 - Pishāvar: Maktabah-ʼi ʻIlm va Farhang.
    Bakhsh-i avval. Akhlāq-i Islāmī -- Bakhsh-i duvvum. Ādāb-i ijtimāʻī.
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  45. Roberta Dreon (Università degli Studi di Venezia) Merleau-Ponty. una concezione non soggettocentrica dell’empatia?Roberta Dreon - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:439-449.
    Merleau-Ponty. Une conception de l’empathie non centrée sur le sujet?Cet article étudie l’émergence du terme « empathie » dans les textes de Merleau-Ponty. Il souligne que le concept n’est pas avant tout présenté comme une catégorie épistémologique, remettant en question si et comment nous pouvons éventuellement connaître les autres. Au contraire, il est conçu comme une catégorie ontologique, pour dire notre appartenance à une nature commune. De ce point de vue, il propose une façon sensible pour comprendre les autres, basée (...)
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  46. Love's Commitments and Epistemic Ambivalence.Larry A. Herzberg - manuscript
    [This paper was presented at the APA Eastern Division Conference in New York City, January 2024] -/- Can one reasonably doubt that one is voluntarily making a commitment, even when one is doing so? Given that one voluntarily makes a commitment if and only if one (personally) knows that one is doing so, the answer appears to be “No.” After all, knowing implies justifiably believing, and it seems impossible that one could (synchronically and from a single personal perspective) reasonably doubt (...)
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  47. al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Abī al-Dunyā wa-al-taʼsīs li-makārim al-akhlāq.Akkarīkkar Shafīq - 2023 - In Mutaz Khatib (ed.), Ḥadīth and ethics through the lens of interdisciplinarity. Boston: Brill.
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    Peirce and the mark of the gryphon.Roberta Kevelson - 1999 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    The late (1931-98) Kevelson (philosophy, College of William and Mary) drew from the unpublished manuscripts of American semiotician Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) to explore how he conceived of the evolution of thought from instinct and imagination as expressed in myth, to ideas that are exchangeable units of meaning. Her study characterizes his cosmology as open-ended, non-finite, and self-organizing.
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    (1 other version)Medizinische Psychologie.Alexander Herzberg - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6 (1):24-24.
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  50. Population genetics.Roberta L. Millstein & Robert A. Skipper - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Population genetics attempts to measure the influence of the causes of evolution, viz., mutation, migration, natural selection, and random genetic drift, by understanding the way those causes change the genetics of populations. But how does it accomplish this goal? After a short introduction, we begin in section (2) with a brief historical outline of the origins of population genetics. In section (3), we sketch the model theoretic structure of population genetics, providing the flavor of the ways in which population genetics (...)
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